resources from think play solve

last update: 18 June 2020

Resources are currently being pulled together. As these are released they will appear below.


what is digital strategy?

31 May 2020

When I first starting writing about digital strategy at the beginning of the ‘twenty-tens’ the field was interpreted in many ways and was lacking definition. To define, not just what digital strategy meant, but also how it might be approached I authored: “Planning and Managing a Digital Strategy”, revisiting this topic it appears little has changed, it needs to...

read more about: what is digital strategy?

building a digital strategy

4 June 2020

What digital strategy is and what makes it a good one is as different between the accompanying doodles and Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. There are, apparently, geniuses that will be able to pull concepts that deliver at the drop of the hat without resorting to strategy. Whether by luck, or just snake oil, these are rare and inconsistent. For the rest of us, the hard yards of process, planning and examining workings are our routes to success...

read more about: building a digital strategy

digital strategy ambition, aims and goal setting

11 June 2020

Ambition is a double-edged sword, yet without ambition digital strategy becomes purposeless. No heroine or hero of legend ever set out on their quest against a neat checklist, making sure to keep each point SMART. As the line between heroic bravery and foolish recklessness is fine, as is the measure of ambition....

read more about: digital strategy ambition, aims and goal setting

understanding the domain of a digital strategy

18 June 2020

A digital strategy must not be implemented without knowledge of its domain: the world in which it lives, its part in that world, and residing. How to divide that world, the events, and people into what is salient and what is not can be challenging. Without the foresight of Cassandra determining what is, or rather, what will be important is an inexact science that must balance the empirical with empathy...

read more about: understanding the domain of a digital strategy

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