projects from think play solve

last update: 14 June 2020

Welcome to the 'play' in think play solve. Below are some of the projects being worked on internally that can be spoken about.

ongoing large projects


Ink is the new CMS from think play solve and is a major upgrade. New features of Ink are:

  • cloud ready, with scaling available out of the box
  • migrated to ASP.NET core to be platform neutral, and allow reduced hosting costs
  • interchangeable database support, including NoSQL databases, currently tested:
    • Mongo
    • Cosmos
    • MS-SQL and Azure SQL servers
    • MySQL
  • secure web API exposure for mobile endpoints
  • enhanced visual editing engine giving true WYSIWYG

With a solid pedigree Ink CMS is still

  • front end agnostic: style as you like, use what frameworks you like
  • performant: capable of handling huge traffic loads from single servers
  • modular: custom modules mirroring business process can run side-by-side with standard CMS modules
  • open: well documented and open standards allow management by in-house development teams and agencies


Forge rapid application prototyping tool that demystifies web and mobile development. In forge you can prototype your screens, plan your workflow, and specify your data. Once prototyped forge enables you to trial your prototype in real time, both to your computer and your mobile phone. After the prototype is approved the source code can be downloaded for final polish and deployment.


  • utilises ReactJS and React Native for smooth platform independence
  • has a rich library of components for rapid development
  • edit in 'on the fly' to focus on the project, not the technicalities
  • start from existing workflows or a blank page

alphas and playthings

quick and dirty Google Sheets CMS


  • unobtrustive, integrate sheets and values using HTML
  • multiple spreadsheets with caching
  • layered concerns, bypass render and access simple JSON directly
  • simple extension, write your own render routines

A very simple alpha script that allows content from Google sheets to be overlayed onto a static HTML page using unobtrusive JavaScript and HTML5.

read more about: quick and dirty Google Sheets CMS

Should you wish to find out more about what think play solve can do for your company please review the hire page.

Want to find more about the approach, concepts and tools view our resources.